

Accessories for the French Dolls 


Once you had purchased one of these beautiful dolls you could start collecting some of the wonderful dolls costumes and accessories in the catalogue. There are hundreds more interesting items for adults and children in this old French catalogue.


This traveling case contains a sleeping baby doll and a whole wardrobe full of costumes and accessories. Amazing.


Not an accessory at all, but somehow these dolls could not fit onto the first page of the catalogue, so here they are. All these dolls have wonderful 'real' hair. 


A very pretty carry-cot that is decorated with lace and satin ribbons.


A wonderful gift box containing a little doll and a variety of costumes, plus a doll.


Another gift box, this time containing a tiny doll and highchair


This little doll seems to have won the title 'Miss Louvre'.



Four attractive little costumes.


I like the hats, covered with ribbons, lace and flowers.


Underwear decorated with imitation Valenciennes lace.


This short overcoat with contrasting collar and cuffs has smart gold buttons.
