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Cosy Ladies
ladies would make a charming addition to any table. The larger one
is a teacosy and the smaller ones are egg cosies. You place your
boiled egg in an egg cup and then sit one of the ladies on top of
your egg. Of course the larger lady just sits on top of the
teapot to keep it warm.
they a pretty set? I love the colours. The
dresses these ladies are wearing are called crinolines. Ladies in the
second half of 19th century wore dresses that were stiffened by circular
frames worn beneath their voluminous skirts. Sitting
down was a complicated process! In the 1930's and
1940's there was a fashion for decorative articles depicting ladies
wearing crinolines. You can often find embroidered cloths showing ladies
in crinolines walking in flower gardens. I think this set was made
around that time.
If you
are a keen needlewoman it would not be too difficult to make a similar
set. You don't have to necessarily use exactly the same techniques. You
could knit or crochet the skirt or make it from fabric. Some teacosies ( like this one) cover
the teapot completely.
Others have a hole at each side for the spout and
the handle of the teapot to stick out. If you are not making these holes then the
cosy needs to be quite a bit larger than the pot. I would recommend
making a separate inner liner for the cosy.
Drips from the teapot often
stain the inside of the cosy and it is easier if you have a liner you
can just take out and wash. Normally the liner is made from some padded,
quilted material so that the
tea remains warm.
If you
look at this close-up you can see that the body of the lady is made
quite simply of strips of wool tied together with embroidery silks. The
features of the face are then sewn on.
White wool is cleverly stitched
onto the head to represent the ornate wigs worn during this period. It
is simple but looks very good I think.
think this one is wearing spectacles! This pale green dress with it's
purple and yellow flowers looks very pretty. It is an attractive
combination of colours, often seen in the 1930's on all sorts of
decorative items.
The garlands of flowers are made from embroidery
silks, loosely knotted to make the individual flowers.
always looks attractive. Often articles like these were made from the
small quantities of wool that were left over from larger projects. By
using a mixture of colours a complete set could be made.
Perhaps the
lady who made these had previously knitted jumpers, cardigans, baby wear
or accessories from these balls of wool. She could choose to use
the egg cosy that matched the garment she was wearing!
A back
view of one of the ladies, for those of you who want to see the designs
in detail. If any of you do try to copy these ladies we would love to
see how your efforts turn out. Do send us a photo.
고대 레이스, 포도 수확 레이스, 레이스 상보, 레이스 상보, 포도 수확 리넨, 포도 수확 직물, 고대 리넨, 고대 누비이불, 고대 숄, 고대 자수, 고대 직물, 레이스 doileys, 레이스 받침용 냅킨, 고대 커튼, 리넨 손수건, 고대에게 세례를 베풀는 의 고대 직물, 리넨 레이스, 손수건, 숙녀 손수건, 고대 누비이불, 상보 레이스, 고대 본, 수를 놓은 레이스는, 테이블 피복을, 코바늘로 뜨개질한다 레이스, 크로셰 뜨개질, 바늘 끝, 포도 수확 앙티크, 아플리케 레이스, 감개틀 레이스, 크로셰 뜨개질, tatting, Honiton 레이스, 몰타 레이스, 레이스 edgings, 노르망디 레이스, 등심 레이스, handmade 레이스, 손에 의하여 제작된 레이스, Bedfordshire 레이스 끈으로 묶는다, 영국 레이스, 데번 레이스, 바늘 레이스, 바늘 끝, 감개틀 레이스 누비질하는, 덧대어깁기 honiton, 레이스 감개틀, 레이스 의 wedding 레이스, wedding 베일, 레이스 본, guipure 레이스, 감개틀 레이스, 프랑스 레이스, 레이스, 레이스는 만드는, 레이스 복장, 레이스 리본, 까만 레이스 옷을 입는다,