Rose Bouquet Cushion
cushion has a detailed design of a bouquet of roses and other delicate flowers
in pretty pastel shades. This is framed by an intricate border of scrolls and
matching flowers, echoing the central bouquet. Subtle antique coloured
wools have been used to create a cushion of great charm. The background is an
attractive mid-beige colour, while dusky pinks and pale whites and blues
have been used for the flowers.
beige background is worked in needlepoint tent stitch with 10 stitches to the
inch. All the flowers, their leaves and the surrounding border are worked in
fine petit point with 20 stitches to the inch. The cushion is backed with velvet
in a toning colour, and has an ornate tasseled border. There is a zip on
the reverse. The cushion measures 45cm by 35cm and is sold without the cushion pad.
£69 sterling.
