
Antique Textiles and Accessories

- direct from Britain, a small selection of  antique linen and lace and some other antique accessories . We guarantee that all the textiles in this section are old.

Ref TD 5.1 Floral Mat Set

Ref. 03.3. Painted mats

Ref. 02.6. Cherub doilies

Ref. Cl 11.1  Set of bobbin lace mats

Ref. Cl 8.3. Collection of 6 doilies

Ref. Cl 8.5. Pair of baby dresses

Ref. Cl. 12.4. Pansies and Daisies 

Ref. Cl.3.9.Pansies Mats

Ref. Cl.4.2 Cupid Panel

Ref. Cl.5.1. Heather Napkins

Ref. Cl.5.6. Set of Roses Napkins

Ref. Cl 8.2  4 o'clock Tea Cloth 

Ref: 2.1. Linen Roses Cloth

Ref 2.3.Tape Lace Mat Set

Ref. Cl 9.4. Teatime Cloth 

Ref. Cl.3.5.Roses Crochet Mats

Ref. Cl.4.6 Damask Cloth

Ref. Cl.5.19. Roses Tablecloth 

Ref. Cl 9.2  Basket Cloth 

Ref 2.2.Collection of Doilies

Ref. Cl.9.1 Linen Daffodils Crochet Tablecloth

Ref. 03.9. Nasturtium lace

Ref L10.1 Set of Lace Mats 

Ref L 2.1. Lace Gloves 

Ref L 3.2. Lace Scarf 

Ref L 6.2. Lace Blouse 

Ref L 7.10. Bobbin Lace Collar 

Ref L 3.5 Embroidered net dress front 

Ref L9.8 Bobbin Lace Length 

Ref L11.15. Bobbin Lace Collar 

Ref L 6.4. Length of Tambour Lace 

Ref L 10.2. Chemical Lace Doilies 

Ref L7.1 Black and White Lace Shawl

Ref L5.1 Lace Panel  

Ref L8.2 Chemical Lace Collar

Ref L7.2 Black and White Lace Handkerchief

Ref L9.2 Buckinghamshire Lace Edging

L4.2 Jug Covers

L7.1 Normandy Lace cushion

Ref. Cl 10.10 Cushion and napkins

Ref. P. 11.3. Embroidered Nightdress Case

Ref. P. 12.9. Lace Panel Cushion

Ref. P. 1.5. Floral Lace Cushions 

Ref. P. 4.2 Pair of Lace Cushions 

Ref. Cl 10.4 French floral cushions


Ref. Cl 11.5. Floral Quilted Cushions 

Ref. P. 12.4. Rose Lace cushion

Ref. P. 12.8. Lace Edgings Cushions

Ref. P. 2.5 Ecru Lace Cushions 

Ref. P. 8.1 Pair of Rose Print Cushions 

Edgings 7.2

Crochet Pieces 5.5

Lace Pieces 7.1

Lace Pieces 5.3

Ref. 03.6. Veil holder

Ref. CT.7.1. Floral material box

Ref M.11.4. Pink Flowers

Ref M.12.7 Bunny jelly moulds

Ref. 02.10. Linen bag.

Ref M 9.3. Collection of Sewing accessories

Ref M.11.2. Collection of angel postcards

Ref M.11.6.Doily Box

Ref M.3.2. Petit point handbag

Ref M.1.1 Kensitas Silks

Ref M.12.6 Wills Garden Flowers

Ref  M.3.1Welsh blankets and cushions

Ref M.6.1. Two roses bags

Ref M.4..3 Needlepoint Handbag 

M12.2 Cherubs Tin

Ref M.1.3.Lace Evening Bag 

Ref M.11.1. French Sampler

Ref M.8.3. Lace Coat Hangers

M6.1 Cottage in Frame

Ref M.4..1 Teddy Bear 

Ref M.4.7 Floral Tote Bag 

M5.1 Collection of Cloth Buttons

Ref M 6.1  Brush Set 

Cl 2.1 Rosebud Traycloth

M1.5 Threads and Buttons

L3.2 Cherub Curtain

L11.1 Lace Baby Bonnet

L9.1 Bobbin Lace Collar

L4.1. Two Square Mats

Cl2.2 Bobbin Lace Tray cloth

S10.1 Framed Silk Cards
